DGS takes part in the Digital 360 Awards presenting the ComplEtE® suite
DGS attends the fifth edition of the Digital360 Awards 2020, nominating the ComplEtE® suite in the B2B and Supply Chain Solutions category.
Digital360 Awards 2020 is the Digital360 Group contest aimed at identifying the most relevant digital innovation and entrepreneurship projects in our country.
ComplEtE®, that has passed the first two stages of the selection process, with a jury made up of over 150 CIOs, is one of the finalists!
Andrea Rangone, CEO of Digital360, on the occasion of the launch of the 2020 initiative, stated that “The goal of the Digital360 Awards is to create a match making between CIOs and innovative offers; for this reason, since the first edition, we wanted the projects to be evaluated by the CIOs.”
We have to wait until December for the third phase, which we will see the announcement and promotion of the winners of the individual technological categories.
Visit: Digital360 Awards 2020