Managing your Supply Chain End To End

The Cooperative End to End Supply Chain Management Platform for your Company

ComplEtE® Intelligence

Predict the volume of business and the impact on new markets, orchestrate commercial, logistical and production resources effectively, going beyond the limits of complexity leveraging the most advanced technology based on Artificial Intelligence.

ComplEtE® Optimization

Optimize every decision assisted by artificial intelligence algorithms. Simulate new solutions proposed by the system and compare them through standard KPIs and personalized reporting.

Managing your Supply Chain End To End

The Cooperative End to End Supply Chain Management Platform for your Company

ComplEtE® Intelligence

Predict the volume of business and the impact on new markets, orchestrate commercial, logistical and production resources effectively, going beyond the limits of complexity leveraging the most advanced technology based on Artificial Intelligence.

ComplEtE® Optimization

Optimize every decision assisted by artificial intelligence algorithms. Simulate new solutions proposed by the system and compare them through standard KPIs and personalized reporting.

Why choose ComplEtE®

Technology. Experience. Passion.

  • Artificial intelligence at the service of the
    Supply Chain


    uses only the best of current technology. Strong horizontal and vertical scalability, AI (Deep Learning) algorithms to translate data into information and propose alternative solutions.

  • As flexible as the Supply Chain of the future


    ComplEtE® consists of a network of services capable of adapting, like a digital fabric, to the needs of each customer.

  • Cloud-based service ecosystem


    is designed as an ecosystem of services that can be installed on the private/ public cloud or delivered locally in private networks.

  • Cyber Security

    CyberSecurity at the center of everything


    guarantees the highest quality standards to ensure the security of customer data, thanks to the experience DGS Cybersecutity division.

  • Shared simulation work environment


    offers users a collaborative and multi-simulation environment in which they can share every what-if analysis, every simulation, every information in the construction of a real consensus planning.

  • Fast, reliable and simple


    is simple to use. It adopts the most modern design and UX patterns in order to guarantee a fast, dynamic, customizable usability.

ComplEtE® Smart Services

Strategic Network Simulator

Network Design

Main purpose:

Minimize the global balance (costs – revenues) in the entire planning horizon and in the entire logistic perimeter.
Revenues as the sum of the gross incomes from all the satisfied customers’ demands .
Costs as the sum of the following components:

  • Material travel costs within the network (for each transport type: plane, truck, train…)
  • Purchases of raw materials from suppliers
  • Variable cost related to production and management of material
  • Fixed cost for the usage of productive or distributive resources
  • Costs of activation or deactivation of any productive, distributive network node
  • Penalty due to not-satisfied demands
Main characteristics:

Productive and distributive network design considering node transitions cost and time
Mathematical algorithms to compute the optimal demand, production, distribution allocation, through production and distributions nodes
Multi-level complexity model to aggregate or disaggregate productive and distributive resources, adapting them to the desired level of complexity
Multi-simulation and multi-scenario system to evaluate distributive and productive network performance
Automatic alerting system for the productive and distributive bottle necks

Tactical DRP

Demand profile iterative calculation on all the levels of the distribution network (multi-level reforecast)
Target stock and Replenishment need calculation on all the levels of the distribution network
Material need propagation through the logistic network and critical missing real-time evidence alerting system
Automatic distribution plan definition accross all the network nodes
Integrated cooperative system to evaluate and synergize several distribution plans
Approvative and cooperative configurable workflow

Consensus Demand Planning

Extrapolative techniques of the historical series

Computation of the best forecast curve by a parametric voting system (best-fit)
Trend and seasonality computation with ad-hoc mathematical algorithms
Automatic highlight of statistical anomalies (outliers)
Capability of sporadic series study
Forecast and projection of newness, substitutions and end-of-life products. Enhanced phase in and phase out management
Factors influencing demand:

  • Detail level: SKU, product family, customer, region, …
  • Forecast horizon and bucket dimension (week, month, quarter, …)
  • Historical data:
    • Sell-in, sell-out, customer orders, …

Causal methods correlation based

Multi-axis demand clustering
Automatic correlation beetween orders / sales trends and exogenous variables
Paramters, quantities and values forcings. What-if simulations
Factors influencing demand:

  • Company:
    • Sales data, Price, Promotion
    • Service Level
  • Marketplace:
    • Consumer perception
    • Demographics
    • Competition
    • Innovation
  • Regulation
    • Economy
    • Business Cycle
    • Weather conditions

Qualitative methods collaboration based

Multi-axis top-down and bottom-up exploration of predictive and historical information
Sharing and harmonization of data among different processes and users (sales, logistics, production)
Forcings at every aggregation level
Approving Workflow collaborative and easy to configure
Factors influencing demand:

  • Customer initiatives
  • Events and promotions
  • Macroeconomic trend variations

Order Promise

 Available to Promise

Determining how, when and where to respond customer demand
Multi-node and multi-lane service at one level with the use of fair share logic
Integrated multilevel Capable To Promise (CTP) functions in terms of shipping capacity along the network, production by the production plants and supply by the supplier network

Integrated collaboration, simulation, validation and release environment
Multi-scenario and multi-simulation environment for assessing the performance of the production and distribution network
Simulation of production and distribution bottlenecks and proposal of alternative solutions together with costs and times

Inventory Planning

Stock Target Management

Easy generation of the distribution network, the relationships beetween items and wharehouses , times and costs matrix
Safety stock computation, with heuristic or mathematic rules, for each item / logic node
Rolling real-time fine tuning of the safety stock proposals, as a function of a given safety stock level and the actual sales
Sophisticated mathematical library (simplex method) for the optimization of the stock mix
Customizable logics for demand slotting and for demand netting
Clustering and splitting paremerizable algorithms

Inventory Control

Multi axis / wharehouse stock computation and monitoring
Real time computation of KPIs about costs, coverage time, stock rotation index, customer service, …
Generation of simulative scenarios, what-if evaluation of different policies about stock coverage, production, replenishment, …
Capability to force every element at every clustering level (multi-axis aggregation)
Configurable and collaborative approval workflow
Sharing, comparison and collaboration on different simulative scenarios, strategies, policies

Master Plan Generation

Replenishment plan computation, demand netting comparing independent demand (Customer Orders, Forecasts, Safety Stock needs) against the Deposit Plan (on-hand, productions, in-transit goods, planned work orders)
Different math-heuristic algorithms for the Master Production Plan generation
Shipping, suppliers and transportation calendars
Multi-axis, multi-level and multi-hierarchy forcing at every aggregation level

Distribution Resource Planning (DRP)

Main characteristics

Logistics network modeling
Demand distribution logic on the network based on shipment history and order performance
Generating transfer orders between nodes and highlighting links across the entire network
Capacity validation on individual warehouses
Management of transport cycles and the resources involved
Calculation of variable safety stocks for each warehouse/item or cluster of items based on sales or shipping forecasts
Calculation of the replenishment plan based on customer orders, forecast, production demand, onhand, in-transit, released production and stock targets (for each node defined in the multi-axis space)
Detailed management of goods receipt/shipment calendars, black periods and standard replenishment
Inventory monitoring in the multi-axis warehouse/product characteristics space
Publication of cost indicators, coverage and stock rotation, customer service.

Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)

Main characteristics

Forcing at any level of aggregation and distribution of forcing, according to incidence curves (automatic or user-guided)
Configurable approval and collaborative workflow
Calculation of variable safety stocks for each warehouse/item or cluster of items based on sales or shipping forecasts
Calculation of the replenishment plan based on customer orders, forecast, production demand, onhand, in-transit, released production and stock targets (for each node defined in the multi-axis space)
Detailed management of goods receipt/shipment calendars, black periods and standard replenishment periodicities
Inventory monitoring in the multi-axis warehouse/product characteristics space
Publication of cost indicators, coverage and stock rotation, customer service
Aggregate planning of demand, resources and production assets on a segmented and variable time horizon in multi or single production area scenarios
Tactical-operational planning of the main production plan (MPS plan) on physical resources and assets (such as machinery, manpower, equipment) or on logical resources (such as production campaigns, product families, multi-axis aggregations)
Operational planning of supplies with generation of supply or sub-supply proposals synchronized with the planning of production requirements
Evaluation of the impact of inserting new questions on an already consolidated plan, in terms of delivery times and available capacity.

Advanced Planning System

Resource Capacity Planning

Indipendent demand aggregate planning, with finite / infinite capacity check of resources, assets, teams & constraints capacities
Tactical and operative planning on physical (machines, teams, assets) and logical (families, campaigns, …) resources and items
Production proposal generation, finite capacity validated by considering complex BoM explosion, raw material needs, minimum lots, optimum mix logics
Cooperative and simulative environment with the purpose of sharing scenarios, what-if analysis and forcings in order to obtain a consensus MPS

Provisioning Planning

Aggregate purchase plan on a medium term horizon
Operative purchase plan (Master Purchase Plan) with purchase proposals computation according to the finite capacity check of all BoM levels constraints
Capacity models (weekly / monthly rate, maximum supply capacity, …) for suppliers and contractors
Critical materials and supppliers highlighting

Capable to Promise

Real time evaluation of customer orders / demands fulfillment in term of lateness, financial and manufacturing impact
Priority and ranking rules for orders fulfillment computation
Multiplant, multiwharehouse and multilane logics
Order confirmation and «chain freeze» capability

Collaborative Supplier Management

Work Plan Collaboration

Fully or partially integrated with the company supplier portal
Create, validate e publish short or middle-term plans to suppliers and constractors
Share documentation as sketches, technical schemas, control and preparation plans
Select the best supplier through auctions or calls for tender
Workflow based debate on shipment dates, plans, costs and quality
Order confirmation events alerts or automatize ERP system order confirmation procedures

Work Plan Execution

Incoming materials management reports
Control and Share plan progress with all actors involved
Real time monitoring of stock level for any owned internal and external warehouse
Quality control plans execution
Control the preparation and the execution of delivery plans

Notification Management

Integrated event logging system and workflow engine to generate and dispatch alerts when needed where needed
Different calendars for internal production and any supplier
Company mailing system integration
Notifing engine to alert on inspection plan and quality control activities
Real-time monitoring system on costs, delays, quality and bottle neck of any managed process

Operation Scheduling

Plant Operations Scheduler

Operations Scheduling and Syncronization
Constrained activity allocation on plants, working centers, machines, work teams, tools, materials and generic assets
Complete integration with the planning system to inherit strategical/tactical level defined production/commercial constraints
Multi step Push-Pull activities scheduling
Impact analisys of high priority demands on the actual scheduled production plan
Multi-simulative and multi-scenario forcing environment, to rapidly change the production plan and support decisions
Real-time reaction of graphical objects during forcing, to understand immediately violated constraints and possible solutions
Short-term purchase plan proposal and sollicit report to identify the most critical purchases still not delivered
Critical materials report to identify the impact of shortage and evaluate possible alternatives (make or buy / alternative resources)

Local Optimizer

Sequence optimization by working center, machine, local machine groups
Local rescheduling optimization, considering planning inherit constraints and shop floor feedback
Production constraints (resources, materials, work teams, tools) and logical constraints (sequence, parallelization, pert relations, partial deposits, production compatibility) management
Production plan generation and deploy to operators and production lines through notifications on smart accessories (if supported) and by e-mail
Requirements plan deploy to warehouse, quality and maintenance offices
Cooperative advanced system to manage the cohexsistence of multiple planners and possible inconsistencies
Monitoring and real-time reactions to shop floor events with automatic or semi-automatic rescheduling procedure with automatic publishing of impact reports


Orders Management

Recording of start and suspension events, restart and end of each activity (setup, startup, working, reworking, maintenance) linked to order/operation to calculate, automatically, machine and personell time
Recording of the the progression of produced, scrapped and «wait for approval» quantities
Recording of downtime events linked to order/operation
Association between operators, machines, tools by order/operation
Recording of usage of materials lots by order/operation
Lots tracking and tracing , orders genealogy
Online documentation access (drawing, products card, pictures, clips)
Production documentation generation (work order, sheet, labels, picking list)
Constraints and progress rules configurability
Graphic User Interface composable and responsive on every device (pc, tablet e smartphone)
Native integration with IOT Platform


Products and material warehouses mapping
Inter-operational warehouses mapping (wip)

Picking missions generation for feeding production and shipment
Deposit missions generation for storing on warehouse or feeding production
Handling units cycle of life management
Movimentation missions execution
Missing and give back materials management
Scraps,reworking,repair management
Product re-configuration (remove and put)
Material acceptation management
Shipment management
Warehouses level real time monitoring


Document management
Input material sequence of controls linked to vendor rating
Subcontractor’s material controls
Suppliers vendor rating calculation
Control plans management and association to productive processes
Management of no-compliance, claims, corrective and preventive actions
Inspections and audit management
Measuring equipments management
Finished product quality management
Automatic production controls, driven by collecting data from IOT Platform
Check-list, (Kpi) and dashboard
Human resource management


Predictive maintenance

  • Alert generation through the usage of predictive models based on machine learning methods, fed by IOT Platform real time data
  • Remote interaction with machines, sensors, in order to activate and edit measuring parameters (frequency, thresholds, ..)

Preventive maintenance

  • Maintenance plans generation, depending on expiration policies
  • Interventions plan assigned to the maintener men
  • Extraordinary maintenance

    • Call management on downtime or other events
    • Alert generation and forwarding to maintenace responsible or operator (Pc/tablet/smartphone)

    Spare parts and components warehouse management
    Maintenance activities execution, recording time spent and spare parts used
    Main maintenance KPIs (ISO 22400) monitoring:
    MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure), MTTF (Mean Time To Failure), MTTR (Mean Time To Repair

    ComplEtE® Supply Chain Innovation Day
    Ed. II


    ComplEtE® Supply Chain Innovation Day
    Ed. II


    ComplEtE® Supply Chain Innovation Day
    Ed. II


    ComplEtE® Supply Chain Innovation Day
    Ed. I


    ComplEtE® Supply Chain Innovation Day
    Ed. I


    Fashion & Textile
    Digital 360 Awards 2020:
    Stefano Fazio presents ComplEtE®
    DGS S.p.A.

    DGS S.p.A.

    DGS provides valuable services and solutions in the areas of Cyber Security, Digital Solutions and Management Consulting, supporting its customers in the full exploitation of new enabling technologies for security and digital business transformation.

    Specialized in strategic consultancy, design, development, integration, implementation and maintenance of complex solutions and infrastructures based on all the major technologies on the market, the DGS offer covers the entire ICT value chain.

    DGS has more than 500 customers, most of them Enterprise class, active in the main market segments: Public Administration, Banking and Insurance, Industry, Energy and Utilities, Transport and Telecommunications.

    With the business line of Mangement Consulting, DGS extends the field of application of management consulting services to ICT Strategy and Governance, in the areas of strategy, governance and process engineering, already offered in Cyber and Data Protection field.

    DGS builds and delivers ERP, CRM, SCM, Big Data,Analytics focalizzate su tecnologie Microsoft, including the ComplEtE® suite, a next-generation end-to-end solution offered in SaaS mode on Azure cloud and natively integrated with Microsoft ERP, CRM and IoT components.

    Thanks to investments in Research and Development, DGS experiments with the most innovative technologies, such as Blockchain, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, in many different sectors: Circular Economy, Agri-Food Chain, Cyber-Physical Supply Chain, Cybersecurity, Industry 4.0.

    DGS is part of the Competence Center for Security and Optimization of Strategic Infrastructures START 4.0, one of the 8 highly specialized competence centers on Industry 4.0 issues, provided by MISE, whose activities focus on five application domains: Energy, Transport, Water, Production, Port.


    Via Paolo di Dono, 73
    00142 ROME

    Phone +39 06 5811893 – fax +39 06 58300182

    Via Marco Partipilo, 30
    70124 BARI
    Phone +39 080 8641619 – 8641620

    Head office:
    Piazza Aurelio Saffi, 5/2
    17100 SAVONA

    Contact Us