SAVE THE DATE | DGS is Exhibitor at Richmond Future Factory Forum | May, 22-24 2022
DGS renews also this year its entry as Exhibitor at Richmond Future Factory Forum, which is taking place from may 22 to 24 2022 at Rimini Grand Hotel.
The event bring together in the same place the decision-making figures who carry out the Industry 4.0 transformations in the company and rapresent a precious opportunity of new business and market listening to intercept the needs and meet valuable partners.
The DGS experts will be available to meet the top managers of main market segments, introduce our offer of servicies and technology innovative solutions and deepen ComplEtE®, the new generation S&OP/MOM cooperative framework cooperativo S&OP/MOM to manage the End-to-End supply chain.
The Forum is dedicated to Chief operating officer, Production Managers, Plant Managers, Chief Technology Officers, IT Managers and Logistics Managers.
To participate, book your place here: Future Factory Forum – Richmond Italia
#BuildingTheFuture #BeComplEtE® #DigitalSolutions #FutureFactoryForum #industria4puntozero #richmondbusinessforum